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  1. R

    Major Complaints Thread

  2. JohnnyRaz

    Major Complaints Thread

    sorry. I'm such a drama queen
  3. rettucs

    Major Complaints Thread

    christ what a letdown
  4. JohnnyRaz

    Major Complaints Thread

    I'm in the clear lads. you can stop worrying
  5. JohnnyRaz

    Major Complaints Thread

    looking good.
  6. rettucs

    Major Complaints Thread

  7. therealjohnny

    Major Complaints Thread

  8. JohnnyRaz

    Major Complaints Thread

    woke up foggy headed after a really bad nights sleep, and feeling pretty ill. covid test developing beside me as I type.
  9. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    Get well soon @egg_ We’ll do some glorified chair dancing in your honour.
  10. egg_

    Major Complaints Thread

    Whenever they come up on one of my feeds and I'm listening to them not knowing who it is I'm there chair dancing and thinking "this is deadly" but then whenever I put them on on purpose I'm underwhelmed Jaysis this dose of covid has me all over the place today. I'm alone in the house (Mrs. egg_...
  11. pete


    “Stick to the swimming lol”
  12. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    spinach will loosen the bowels for sure
  13. M


    it'd be kinda cool if the message was 'jog on, sean'.
  14. Deadmanposting


    Spoiler - they're not sorry P.S. fuck the queen
  15. Deadmanposting

    Your work situation

    She'll be right, Sean We suffer more in imagination than reality
  16. Deadmanposting

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    2015 XC70 is what I'm eyeballing
  17. Deadmanposting

    Major Complaints Thread

    Sound? They are like a tag team of singers and hype men. I think they are fantastic live. But I do know most of their stuff pretty well. With them in London, was the place not hopping to all heck?
  18. S

    Your work situation

    Yeah, I know. Once I'm there I'm sure it'll flow easily enough. Now I can focus my needless worries on what kind of strangers I'll be with tomorrow.
  19. Deadmanposting

    Your work situation

    Good stuff Yeah, they do not have a massive learning curve on them And they are fun. Just gotta stay aware of where you are in space.
  20. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Volvos are One of the few new modern cars I’d consider driving/purchasing Old volovos are some of my faves aswell