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  1. ernesto


    The Pride organisers sound a bit over-reactive. Kind of goes against the notion of inclusivity
  2. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Watching thick old yank couples be bamboozled by a closed tourist office. Big and small signs on the door and window saying ‘closed for lunch. Back at 2pm, There’s been at least 8 couples already, Not understanding that the door is indeed locked and it is closed, as indicated. Stupid fuckers.
  3. ernesto

    Home improvement

    Bad form.
  4. ernesto

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

  5. ernesto

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Ah it's him, with the hot and talented wife
  6. ernesto

    Major Complaints Thread

    Looks like it's getting shipped back to him
  7. ernesto

    Major Complaints Thread

    Yeah I don't think he let it sit long enough inside before making a guitar body out of it
  8. ernesto

    Major Complaints Thread

    Yep. Anyway he got back to me. A friend of our's father is a master luthier in letterkenny. So yer man said get a price to make it right but if it exceeds €250 I've to send it back. So at least it's getting sorted
  9. ernesto

    Major Complaints Thread

    Expensive custom aluminium neck guitar that I only got a few months ago has loads of cracks appear the last few weeks. It started with one half a mil wide right down the middle between the strings. It messaged him and he said yeah just used black glue and sawdust. Which I could have managed /...
  10. ernesto


    They're 50% olive oil. It just slides right down
  11. ernesto

    Fuck Twitter

    Bit of self levelling compound and a few coats of floor paint wha
  12. ernesto


    Also had a shit sleep. Squarmy
  13. ernesto

    Solar PV

  14. ernesto


    Anything with an element or motor is going to use a decent bit of juice
  15. ernesto

    Solar PV

    Must check to see if my inverter has the same. What's the max load, 13amps?
  16. ernesto


    Lights use sweet fuck all power (well, the ones inside your house) What rating is your (oil fired?) heating pump and how often does it run? The only things that might be drawing considerable power overnight are fridge/freezers
  17. ernesto


    Ring them up and you might avail of the offer I got
  18. ernesto


    net €62 this month. Now in credit of about €150~ BAM!
  19. ernesto

    Solar PV

    Care to share how you accomplished this?
  20. ernesto

    Fontaines DC

    Too fucking excited by the looks of it