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  1. JohnnyRaz

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    A fret slotting jig made from two pieces of lighting rail and the top of a 1900s gramaphone. Never throw anything away
  2. M

    Home improvement

    We've considered it here - and we're lucky that we have a side gate, means we'd be able to let a beekeeper put a hive in our garden and maintain it while we learn the ropes from them.
  3. R

    Home improvement

    You should have taken The Ram up on getting a goat that time.
  4. JohnnyRaz

    Home improvement

    good enough for me. I'd love to stick a hive on my shed roof. House behind us has some class of what I generally consider the cock extension category of dogs (pit bulls etc.) May not respond well to bees.
  5. M

    Home improvement

    Maybe the hives in her name is a verb and not a noun.
  6. ann post

    Home improvement

    Username checks out
  7. Jill Hives

    Home improvement

    I would love multiple Hives (not in the Boys season 4 type way) but I would also like a sloth, pygmy goats, and a mini turtle on a skateboard. So, I can't be trusted.
  8. Jill Hives

    Minor Musical Observations

    I have a very random shuffle going on today. This song came up (yes I know it's old) but it the beginning not Safety Dance?
  9. JohnnyRaz

    Home improvement

    how many hives does jill hives have? I mean its not like she's jill hive.
  10. JohnnyRaz

    Stoat gig tonite! (Fri June 21)

    I am a 'tentative' through a sideways invite of a friend of a friend of a relation of yours ;-)... not sure I'll make it down to for it though!
  11. egg_

    Stoat gig tonite! (Fri June 21)

    Forgot to mention this before now - Stoat in the Clarke's City Arms on Prussia St in Stoneybatter, as part of the Stoneybatter Festival. Tonight!
  12. pete

    Home improvement

    You would say that.
  13. JohnnyRaz

    Home improvement

    my mother had an absolutely huge nest in her rafters there last summer. twas a mansard/dormer type roof, so slates, joists, and wall/ceiling (i.e no attic) local beekeepers tried to get them out humanely, ultimately they had to be manhandled out, take up slates, felt, the lot. literally...
  14. therealjohnny


    Let me help you there
  15. dudley


    What works *without fail* for me, is the alphabet/animal game. You start naming all the animals you can think of starting with A (aardvark etc.). I don't think I've ever made it past H.
  16. ernesto


    They're 50% olive oil. It just slides right down
  17. ann post

    Home improvement

    80% that's what i'd like to do but the dickehad mice ate my strimmer so i can clear a spot for them till i do a repair on that, which is holding up the woodcutting for next winter so there's a stack of DIY domino sequences that have to happen here to get me to a place where i can even put a hive...
  18. Jill Hives

    Home improvement

    Hive them!
  19. S


    +1 on the not eating late. I don't know how the southern Europeans do it
  20. JohnnyRaz

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc. we'll be seeing more of this sort of stuff I think as the basic 'switch off or adapt capitalism' solution to climate change is basically ineffective in the...