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  1. big homeless

    Mudbitch - Step in, bang bang

    Yup Mudbitch the Tyrone hures have released their mini album, "step in, bang bang" You can download it free from here come one come all. We're a 5 piece from Coalisland/Dungannon, with remains from other bands, have a listen see what ye reckon. Kind Regards. Davey.
  2. big homeless


    hmmmm, maybe, more like gastrothinner pop
  3. big homeless


    Interesting question, i'm not entirely sure to be honest, i think when we throw out the rest of the album, folk can get a better idea, i'm not great at putting genres on particular pieces of music, but I'll have a think. Cheers for the kind words!
  4. big homeless


    cheers folks, appreciate that
  5. big homeless


    ...of all motherboards can be sorted. The video was made up of a fella known as terminique on youtube, he does some class oul mash ups for your viewing and listening pleasure. The song is called "drown ye C*#t" oh aye, some info on the hures
  6. big homeless

    Stendhal Festival 2011 this boyo here is happening in August, a festival of art, up in Limavady in Derry. Notable acts would be Andy Irvine, Turin Brakes, and other arty stuff.
  7. big homeless

    UK DEBill Passes. Fuck.

    pretty scary...its just frustrating, why don't they think this through, and wouldn't you know Tories think it appropriate, anyway this gentleman from the telegraph puts it nicely...
  8. big homeless

    Captain a - st patrick (road to tara)

    pure lethal.
  9. big homeless

    You supply the song title

    Wife language and the solid accolades
  10. big homeless

    People Who Died

    Sad news about Rowland S Howard.
  11. big homeless

    MBV ATP - any reports?

    I dragged meself up to see poor Gemma Hayes, she was first on and noticeably nervous, but great oul gig, fantastic voice, looks lovely, oh aye, fantastic voice. but it was a bit short she only had a half hour. I like her more cus of that wee show.
  12. big homeless

    MBV ATP - any reports?

    ten years will be great, i was in a mind to stay all week then onto it. if i was rich.
  13. big homeless

    MBV ATP - any reports?

    what them boys said.
  14. big homeless

    that petrol emotion

    I saw them at ATP, loved them, great oul gig altegawr, tho they clashed with someone else, I didn't mind. stayed on.
  15. big homeless

    MBV ATP - any reports?

    I thought it was great, enjoyed veryone I saw, thought Lightning Bolt were immense, you get out what you put in.
  16. big homeless

    Captain A - A Shame to the boss 'video'

    i hadn't seen that video before, great altogether, a prophet y'are, disturbed.
  17. big homeless

    only a wee one

    if you're doing the spotify machine let the oil drip over Yakuza's One Nation Underawed, like a thug churning butter innit...
  18. big homeless

    Evil Knievel in Ireland in early 80s?

    do youse mind "eat the peach"? I mind liking it a lot,
  19. big homeless

    mastering recommendations

    we used Stephen Quinn, he were excellent, and its for vinyl
  20. big homeless

    Colorado boy floats away in balloon

    ah dear, its a bit unfortunate, maybe an oul lapse there in yr mans balloon storing practise, It strikes me odd that if the boy was inside a cab that he would fall out, it said the door was unlocked not open. ...maybe rough conditions up high however.