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  1. Jill Hives

    The Boys Season 4

    Seems a bit off it's game to me this season.
  2. Jill Hives

    The Boys Season 3

    I want the Deep to run away with his octopus and their adventures be a spin off.
  3. R

    Your work situation

    That actully helped. Thanks.
  4. therealjohnny

    Your work situation

    I think I posted my "Rhinestone Cowboy/Teams" story here before. It's pain that never ends.
  5. R

    Your work situation

    I'm intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. In 30 mins I have to attend another meeting with them all again, but in person this time. The building isnt tall enough for me to jump off, so I'm not getting out of this.
  6. egg_

    Your work situation

    Haha you are ok. You clearly haven't experienced enough embarrasment in your life, and are therefore afraid of it. Would you be interested in my YouTube course called Overcome Your Fear Of Embarassment Via Desensitisation? edit: that was a joke, but now I think of it maybe it would make me rich?
  7. pete

    European and local elections 2024

  8. R

    Your work situation

    I want to die.
  9. dudley

    European and local elections 2024

    Loads of people
  10. R

    Your work situation

    I had to facilitate an MS Teams meeting today, but it's for the (very much) more senior people, so I stay quite and just take notes etc. Accidentally unmuted myself when I was singing a sea shanty to someone in the office. I'm tone deaf and it was not good. One of the TDs in the meeting asked...
  11. ernesto

    European and local elections 2024

    I like the attached cap. Saves me inevitably picking it up off the floor
  12. Jill Hives

    Your work situation

    I was more or less offline the last few weeks working on something different. I like being off grid sometimes. Now I’m back at computer, which no doubt will require a finger print in the near future.
  13. JohnnyRaz

    European and local elections 2024

    you've made me imagine a three headed monster made of bits of Sargent, Gormley and Ryan.
  14. therealjohnny

    European and local elections 2024
  15. Jill Hives

    Minor Pleasures

    That's gorgeous.
  16. ann post

    European and local elections 2024

    You are not normal people. Any of these 'inconveniences' (which the return machines were two months ago) are because people basically need to be parented into acting like adults around materials in the western world.
  17. Cornu Ammonis

    European and local elections 2024

    Dig up, stupid
  18. pete

    European and local elections 2024

    The fact that Doherty’s a dick doesn’t change the fact that tethered bottle caps are a pain in the hole and just get in the way without solving any actual problem. Who the fuck opens a plastic bottle and then throws the cap away??? People put them in the recycling separately and they get lost...
  19. ann post

    Your work situation

    I hope you are using your full thumped signature ftw.
  20. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Turn that yoke you restored into a cab and wail at the inlaws ftw