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  1. Cormcolash

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Sounds like a good show to me
  2. Cormcolash

    You know you're getting old....

    Well maybe they shouldn't have such big noses then!!
  3. Cormcolash


    Which bit of the distillation gives the guzzoline?
  4. Cormcolash

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Furiosa. Fuckin awesome. The cinematography is fuckin amazin, there's a shot in there of the War Rig running at full steam from the side with aliasing wheels that has got to be one of the greatest cinema shots ever!
  5. Cormcolash

    People who are too rich

    I'm all in favour of sending billionaires to check out the deep sea
  6. Cormcolash

    Speed in an internal ethernet network

    I prefer a bit of coke in the oul internal ethernet network
  7. Cormcolash

    Minor complaints thread

    I know they get the same shit in Hungary anyway
  8. Cormcolash

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    Hahahahaha what a fuckin shambles!!!
  9. Cormcolash

    European and local elections 2024

    Vote Saoirse for improved bathing water quality
  10. Cormcolash

    People Who Died

    Worth it for the solo
  11. Cormcolash

    Basic income for artists

    As far as I recall from the initial version of it, there's a group of people connected with the arts make the award decisions and they pick all their mates/people they manage.
  12. Cormcolash

    forthcoming film trailers

    I was hoping for a horror about spiders
  13. Cormcolash

    Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse

    It doesn't feel pity, or fear, or REMORSE
  14. Cormcolash

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

  15. Cormcolash

    Minor Pleasures

    lili marlene
  16. Cormcolash

    What gig did you go to last night?

    3.5 hours can go fuck itself, anyone going over 2 better have a good fuckin reason and anyone going over 2.5 can get fucked
  17. Cormcolash

    Major Pleasures

    To the surgeon he met in hospital?
  18. Cormcolash

    forthcoming film trailers

    Looks like a fuckin mess - BUT looks like he's going for a modern-day Fall Of Rome kind of theme, no? Like if that's the idea, maybe it'll be interesting
  19. Cormcolash

    Seinfeld on DVD

    Fair enough, I'm sure the Christmas Party video-call is taking up all of your time
  20. Cormcolash

    Seinfeld on DVD

    Pete is firewalling us all from the thing we want the most