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  1. S

    Minor Pleasures

    I like sitting in the beer garden of the local and identifying trucks and vehicles and where they come from and where they're going. There's a haulage company called Moran that deliver to Lidl every day. There's some other Irish lorry whose trailer is muralled(?) with a big Mad Max thing...
  2. M

    Minor Pleasures

    i watch a lot of wood turning videos too. but then, i would.
  3. Reets

    Minor Pleasures

    For me it’s videos of rug cleaning, power washing and wood turning.
  4. M

    Minor Pleasures

    sometimes i like to have a couple of beers and watch videos of random shit being made on youtube. i am warming to this korean channel.
  5. M

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    i had a CT scan for some weirdness many years ago. turns out i was just dealing with a virus which was never identified. hopefully it's something as benign as that for you.
  6. chris d

    European and local elections 2024

    Was busy in Finglas at 8 o'clock still. I only voted for sound heads so you can't blame me. The bloody Europe sheet was so long I didn't spot Ciarán Cuffe until I'd put a few numbers down.
  7. chris d

    Minor complaints thread

    Are they playing in Kilkenny in August?
  8. S

    Minor complaints thread

    I thought that was what Thumped was all about. Edit, to be positive, finding the beautiful flowers that grow from this pot of manure. That also sounds wrong.
  9. S

    You know you're getting old....

    Me and older housemate were out having a smoke. Young housemate bounds in and tells us that he's off to a D'n'B gig in Camden. Apparently there's some good DJ's says the youngling. Do you guys know much Drum and Bass? Oh yeah, who then? says older FM. I have to shush his chuckling. Youngling...
  10. therealjohnny

    Minor complaints thread

    Yet another music act I like is on the cusp of becoming huge and to get there they've changed what appealed to me in the first place. It keeps happening. However I've learned that the records I like are still great and good luck to them. But also, fuck them.
  11. egg_

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    They're making sure it's not a brain tumour or stroke
  12. pete

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh I actually agree with your point.
  13. N

    Minor complaints thread

    Cracking a deflecting joke rather than addressing a valid point is a pet hate of mine.
  14. Deadmanposting


    We've had our share of shootings and the pub around the corner owned by headers that barred the English queen and all That young fella who was chopped up was found down teh back of our lane in a burnt out car. or bits of him anyways. I don't remember too many bombs. But I'm away a lot.
  15. pete

    Minor complaints thread

    This is violence.
  16. pete

    Minor complaints thread

    18 months of Spotify premium for Rs. 1,908.00
  17. Deadmanposting

    Minor complaints thread

    Similar here I jsut time my showers to happen after I take a dump
  18. therealjohnny

    Minor complaints thread

    Those of us with Japanese toilets look down on the savages who wipe.
  19. pete

    Minor complaints thread

    You can get Spotify for a lot less money than that by being a little creative 1. Find an Indian address. Any Indian address. 2. Find a VPN that supports India 3. Add your new Indian address to an account 4. Buy a Spotify India gift card code using this address as the “delivery”...
  20. N

    Minor complaints thread

    All the paper you could have saved