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  1. sleepy

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    I might see if my wife wants to go to this. She might actually like these guys
  2. sleepy

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Love that Mannequin Pussy album. And the one before Patience. Going to buy a ticket for that gig too
  3. sleepy

    How do small record labels work these days?

    I probably won’t do that
  4. sleepy

    How do small record labels work these days?

    We recorded an ep last weekend. We’re just waiting on the final mixes etc. we’re half thinking of sending it out to a few small labels to see if anyone would be interested in releasing it. Has anyone here ever done this? Or do ye have any advice on this?
  5. sleepy

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Ignore me. Turns out it’s still on the same date. I was given False News people!
  6. sleepy

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    I heard the Dublin Deerhoof date is postponed. Don’t know when the new date is though
  7. sleepy

    Tell me a joke thread

    @seanc got more likes for his. It’s the internet equivalent of someone getting more laughs for telling the exact same joke you did 2 minutes earlier
  8. sleepy

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Ah deadly! Must pick up a ticket for this.
  9. sleepy

    Major Pleasures

  10. sleepy

    Major Pleasures

    😂 In fairness, he got married too in the middle of all that so it wasn’t all bad
  11. sleepy

    Major Pleasures

    Myself and the lads got 4 songs recorded on Sunday for a new ep. It was great to get done after so many false starts and mishaps. We had started working with a producer previously. Got a good bit of stuff recorded with them but then they kept cancelling sessions and things completely ground to...
  12. sleepy

    Happy Birthday, JohnnyRaz

    Happy birthday @JohnnyRaz
  13. sleepy

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Ah that’s shite about Deerhoof. How come?
  14. sleepy

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    Yeah, we came down to our living room recently one morning. The place was covered in feathers and there was a dead bird beside the couch I’d like to clarify that it was the cat that did it
  15. sleepy

    Ghost discussion

    Ah, them kids. I’d agree with them on this one.
  16. sleepy

    Ghost discussion

    Your kids or kids in general?
  17. sleepy

    Ghost discussion

    That makes Ghost gigs look like great craic I only heard this song for the first time last week. The chorus has the stupidest lyrics ever but such a brilliant melody that I ended up listening to it 5 times in a row
  18. sleepy

    People Who Died

    This tweet actually helped me explain who Steve Albini was to my wife. Also, a good summary was telling her that he’d recorded Nirvana AND Boxes.
  19. sleepy

    People Who Died

    True story. I actually thought The Model was a Big Black original for years. I was too young for the Kraftwerk original and the internet wasn’t around to correct me.
  20. sleepy

    People Who Died

    Ah, that’s awful