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  1. Deadmanposting

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Just finished A Man In Full Hoo boy, did they ever butcher that book
  2. Deadmanposting


    Yeah, and like what an utter racket the Kings Inns is And the clamping and driving tests and NCT and all that gear being done under cash cow contracts by people with connections Like Denis O'Brien brown enveloped his way in, but these other lads just knew where all the levers were I think A LOT...
  3. JohnnyRaz


    Theres something to that for sure. A sliding scale with charlie haughy at one end, and micheal noonan at the other.
  4. Deadmanposting


    Yeah, that's a big thing with us If you get a minute, would you mind sharing the title of that one? Or something else to make it searchable I was in Bonaire on holidays a while back. And they had been independent, but the people voted to have the Dutch come in and run things again. There is a...
  5. Deadmanposting

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I think he used to be in the Beastie Boys Jokes aside, super attitude on the guy. We can endure anything with the right people around us.
  6. M


    i listened to blindboy's podcast about the 'it'll be graaand' approach the irish take, which bears some blame.
  7. Deadmanposting


    Not sure how you separate actual brown envelope corruption, which we had from top to bottom for a very long time - and the embedded this-is-how-it's-always-been-done takeover of a system by vested interests
  8. JohnnyRaz


    agreed, but it's presumably equally difficult in other countries too.. I'm not saying corruption hasn't contributed to the issues, but I don't by a long stretch think its the only cause of the omni-crisis that is 70+ years of shit planning and housing policy in this country.
  9. ernesto


    I don't think those reports hold much water. Proving corruption is inherently difficult for the law nevermind graphlords
  10. Deadmanposting

    Major Complaints Thread

    Mental that he didn't know Worrying that he'd admit it
  11. Deadmanposting


    We threw off the English in 1921, but we've only just thrown off the church Our idea of who we are and what to do has been outsourced for forever Or disimpowered at every turn We're still trying to find out who we are. The French and Italians and Germans and Swedes have known that for forever...
  12. ann post


    Meanwhile Probably don't climb it like so... .... but my puny ego has resented this path from day 1 because I've climbed it about 15 times before the path was put there, and then had to live alongside people who also 'climbed...
  13. ann post


    I was chattin to someone this week who was on about how since state formation to almost the present we've had almost a one party system where some european nations have had a lot longer head start at nation building (and throwing his oar in) was also talking about how the people who set the...
  14. JohnnyRaz


    surprisingly, Ireland's not 'that' corrupt in a global sense. IMHO most of the problems we are facing currently are as much a consequence of populism, localism and incredibly poor long term planning as corruption proper. whether that is the brits fault...
  15. Deadmanposting

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

  16. Deadmanposting


    There still seems to be a lot to the post-colonial thing. We still look to some vague entity, usually government, to solve all our problems. From my experience in Europe and the US, we are more likely to just want to pull a cheque and go home. Other western societies are more engaged in the...
  17. Jill Hives

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I have packed a lot in... including moving country. I still can't believe I have been here 18 years.
  18. Deadmanposting

    Jaysus cycling!

    I appreciate the answer But I don't care about these things If someone tells me they biked or rode "30" my first reply will be to understand better what distance they actually did so I can engage better with them. My tyres have never fallen off, so I must be doing something right.
  19. Deadmanposting

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Obviously anyone can do whatever they want to do, but aren't most people intesterested in growth on some level? Don't we watch documentaries and read books to understand the world and ourselves better? Don't we see some meal we've never made before and want to make it? Beyond that most people...
  20. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    27 * 1 1/4 tyres aren't exchangeable for 700c tyres, in case that was being implied here. That might end up costing you. I forget which one is bigger, but you can't swap sizes. What you normally can do is put a 700c wheel onto a frame that is built for 27 inch wheels. But, we'd never swap them...