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  1. ernesto


    Lights use sweet fuck all power (well, the ones inside your house) What rating is your (oil fired?) heating pump and how often does it run? The only things that might be drawing considerable power overnight are fridge/freezers
  2. egg_


    Wow, my Feb electricity bill was triple my May bill. I can understand why the microgen credits are lower, and why I'd use more electricity during the day (lights?) but why am I using double the nighttime electricity? I wonder does my central heating pump use a load of electricity ...
  3. ernesto


    Ring them up and you might avail of the offer I got
  4. egg_


    Waaah! That's super cheap! I wonder when my contract with Electric Ireland runs out ...
  5. ernesto


    net €62 this month. Now in credit of about €150~ BAM!
  6. ernesto

    Solar PV

    Care to share how you accomplished this?
  7. M

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    The pearl clutching meter has started emitting smoke.
  8. M

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    i think it was too much to manage that on top of crimson. he's had a busy few months; marriage broke up and he was diagnosed with ADHD
  9. JohnnyRaz

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    did realise he had a job beyond crimson guitars?
  10. M

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    yer man ben crowe of crimson guitars has closed down his business which bought and restored old tools, and sold them on.
  11. JohnnyRaz

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    I spent some time on this page recently ;-)
  12. M

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    joey barton called vine a nonce. vine says 'that'll be 75k please'. barton says 'fuck you, you're a double nonce' barton then offers 75k and vine says, no, that ship sailed.
  13. M

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    maybe i'll treat myself to a violin plane.
  14. Deadmanposting

    People Who Died

  15. pete

    People Who Died
  16. Deadmanposting

    Fontaines DC

    Haha Shame on them
  17. ernesto

    Fontaines DC

    Too fucking excited by the looks of it
  18. Deadmanposting

    Fontaines DC

    Yeah Sounds like a peppier Whipping Boy to me Or I'm just thinking of that 90s era Dublin bands in general Still think Starburster is a banger They are clearly excited about this record
  19. Kermit McDermott

    New music for 2024

    Struggling to find anything this year.....again. :( Maybe next month. # you know you're getting old.
  20. Kermit McDermott

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    Haven't decided yet. I didn't buy the 90 eura one.