sleepy's latest activity

  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to ilovehoovering's post in the thread Killarney with
    Oh dear, info my sister - 'Killarney actually has nothing much when you think about it'. She mentioned Kennedy's pet farm although they...
  • sleepy
    sleepy replied to the thread Killarney.
  • sleepy
    sleepy replied to the thread Ads you HATE!!.
    The main appeal for running with me is that there’s no possible way for work to contact me. It reminds me of that 3 ad from years ago...
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to seanc's post in the thread Ads you HATE!! with
    Someone on the radio jogging and recording using their iwatch, because her phone network let's the watch work even when the iphone is at...
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to Denny Oubidoux's post in the thread Killarney with
    You could take them in those horse and trap things, I thought that was great when I was a kid.
  • sleepy
    sleepy posted the thread Killarney in Travel.
    Heading to Killarney with the kids the week after next. Can ye recommend anything worth doing there?
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to ernesto's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with
    That must be how ye dry it after it’s boiled
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to therealjohnny's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with
    I met him at a book signing. He smiled awkwardly and politely as I awkwardly and politely smiled and shook his hand.
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to therealjohnny's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with
    I keep thinking "Declan Rice" is one of those Whelan's guys with acoustic guitars
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to flashback's post in the thread Ireland with
    This concept of using a single number to define intelligence, as if it were a one dimensional quantity, is funny though. There's loads...
  • sleepy
    sleepy replied to the thread US politics.
    I think our stupidity might do the job before then. Although they’re both kind of related
  • sleepy
    sleepy replied to the thread US politics.
    There has also been the conspiracy theory that Trump’s a deep state agent who has been placed where he is to destroy the Republican...
  • sleepy
    sleepy replied to the thread US politics.
    I’m just after hearing on the radio that the gun man was a registered republican
  • sleepy
    sleepy reacted to Anthony's post in the thread What gig did you go to last night? with
    That's right. They get better everytime I see them, which is a lot.
  • sleepy
    I remember seeing them at that thing in Dunshaughlin years ago. They were deadly