Recent content by shambo

  1. shambo

    Thumped Christmas Party

    i have evidence in the form of 607 posts on thumped as proof of what you do all day. work me bollo. And then me shaft. ;)
  2. shambo

    Thumped Christmas Party

    .|..| They rock in a funny spelling of rock kind of way, Ian?
  3. shambo Christmas Extravaganza!

    got silo's tape so thanks. will listen to it later, when i get my mush together. bearded lady pulled a metal mickey this morn|..| cabaiste myself. great night and good to talk to all the shams. ughhhhhh... first post in about a year.
  4. shambo

    All The Best...

    I mean, first I hear that the Queen mum, bless, had a tumble yesterday, and now Hag it seems is leaving us, what a day. The day started off so well with champagne in bed with the wife and gave her the best valentines gift a woman rarely asks for, as illustrated on the left........
  5. shambo

    All The Best...

    What in the name of rimnation are you trying to do to us Hag, don't follow the long and winded Path, you'll leave a big gaping hole on thumped, won't reply slaggin my own gaping hole. Please, I can read internet intonation, and thus........understand you, prick(see). i feel only love for Hag, in...
  6. shambo

    A cheery wave from a stranded youngster!

    Don't forget to send me those "things" I asked for especially from California, and Mozzers childish autograph you promised, do keep in touch with us here, a jap eye streaming tear from us to you, shambo.
  7. shambo

    Thumped Disco

    forgive my ignorance, and my voyeurism Hag, but where is Dice bar. Sounds frighteningly new??
  8. shambo

    The Pure Genius of my pal Kev

    equally bad: why are there no muslims in star trek? because it's set in the future
  9. shambo

    anything good going on tonight?

    Large Mound and Dudley gig the perfect way to celebrate being free from the work rims for a couple of weeks, rake load of gargoyle, designate dessie and then bail all the shams into Anto's mini if he still has it! or plan b?
  10. shambo

    there are dozens

    from ananova too: What is red and yellow and looks good on hippies? Fire.
  11. shambo

    there are dozens

    what's the best trait a comedian can have timing
  12. shambo

    Modern Arse

    it's in around the back of Guinness. up crane lane just before the front of guinness, past the hopstore(hoopstore)then turn right at the end. then there's a jayzus building with the gravity bar at the top that you cant miss!
  13. shambo

    drink link

    Most of the fine shams on thumped are well aware that "to be intoxicated is to feel sophisitcated, but not to be able to say it", so with that in mind, have a gander at this: Should help me on Friday at the rock out double of large mound...
  14. shambo

    Football Thread

    2 facts, 1 prediction. 1.was at that friendly match between shels and Leeds, one of the most boring ever, hardly any football played. 2. "So far, so good" by liam brady was the first book i ever read! prediction: Ireland to catch Iran on the break and win 1-0? ambitious perhaps.
  15. shambo

    C4O 7" Launch on Greyslate

    bet it wiz loike dat danone stick milk good bacteria stuff etc.. makins of an interestin pilly fight.