seanc's latest activity

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    seanc reacted to ernesto's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    This new guy in work has been snippy enough times now to me now that I've had to mention it to my immediate boss and lo and behold I'm...
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    seanc replied to the thread Unpopular Opinions.
    Shur who'd be having time for rice anyway.
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    seanc reacted to ernesto's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with
    That must be how ye dry it after it’s boiled
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    seanc replied to the thread Unpopular Opinions.
    I once did a ugh to a guy for being an Arsenal fan. He's always giving me the big Oirish Schtick, which I obviously hate. Us Paddy's...
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    seanc reacted to therealjohnny's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with
    I keep thinking "Declan Rice" is one of those Whelan's guys with acoustic guitars
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    seanc reacted to nooleen's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with
    Although then again Mick McCarthy is probably fully sound and Roy is just a piece of shit
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    I'm fully expecting a phone call asking me to go there and be a part of the unfucking team. "BUT IT'S FOR THE OLYMPICS!!?". Then I'll...
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    I recently spoke to someone who had been working in Paris for that. I said that I'd forgotten that the Olympics were happening, what...
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    seanc reacted to Cormcolash's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    Maybe it's an Irish Olympic bus
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor complaints thread.
    Well now, I used to live down the street from where I currently live. One night I said the TV reception gets rubbish when it rains a...
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    seanc replied to the thread 2020-21 Football thread.
    I missed the whole thing because work. I wished the England team no specific harm*. It's not like Spain have some kind of plucky...
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    So all the pubs have a 01:00 licence tonight around here. It's messy but not total carnage. I was supposed to be at work until 04:00...
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    seanc replied to the thread Ireland.
    You do have "a relationship" with all of us. 'sayin.
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    seanc reacted to Unicron's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    Went out for food last night, had a pre dinner drink in the bar and had a nerdy chat about cocktails to the barman, ended up getting 2...
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    seanc replied to the thread US politics.
    My understanding is the M16 is supposed to be good at everything, and ended up being not great at anything. The AR15 is the prosumer...