Recent content by peter

  1. peter

    Does vinyl sound better?

    This is a nice little short docu some would enjoy. As an engineer it is from our perspective and why we work with vinyl.
  2. peter

    Does vinyl sound better?

    Not really they would press 70,000 at plant and distribute. It was never in the 6 figure area. I wouldn't go by any of those reports to be honest. I went through the Nelson one in 2010 it reported sale at a certain amount and one factory in Europe matched the sales figure with their output...
  3. peter

    FS: Gibson les paul studio

    Has the usual wear and tear. Gibson Les Paul Studio For Sale in Mullingar, Westmeath from peter05
  4. peter

    Does vinyl sound better?

    Another one of these lovely threads. Takes out popcorn...... You can get some amazing cuts from digi CD these days. You can also get some terrible cuts from an analogue source. Vice versa Both have their merits. Both have their pitfalls...... Enjoy what you have nearby.
  5. peter

    Record Player Repair

    If anyone is ever stuck again give me a shout. I am pretty handy with electronics and just after bringing a Neumann VMS70 and SAL74 back into service. My studio is beside behind the 02. [email protected] Am pretty handy with TT's also ;)
  6. peter

    CutterHeadRecords Mastering

    Quick update. I have added Neumann VMS70 to cutting part of the studio. I am currently building a new room in Dublin city. Shortly I will be able to supply on site vinyl pressing. Best
  7. peter

    Quick question

    That jtsstudio has some alarm bells ringing. The only VMS82 lathe I know in the greater London area is in Abbey Road, there is another in south London but this is not it. Be careful you could lose your money. Edit: Claim of 3 cutting rooms and only one lathe listed, odd. Kas, how many do you need?
  8. peter

    Music studies

    From my experience you are better attending the collage.You will be losing out on the contacts you make inside the industry that the course will supply. If you think this is career move for you go to collage. It's a long struggle for anyone, why make it harder for yourself?
  9. peter

    The thread for problems that might be solved with a quick yes/no answer

    Is it a distorted or clean guitar? Could you not pull the guitar back a little, maybe it's compression is off. There is a lot of issues between 2-3khz try a notch cut there first and see does it help. 800hz +/- is an issue also.
  10. peter

    CutterHeadRecords Mastering

    Recent master.
  11. peter

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    Instead of trapping them freqs Gaz, you could try diffusing them if there is a null or peak still in that area after removing the trapping. I have some Hofa 2D diffusors, cheap as chips and work a treat. You could try a DIY job on them plenty of info out there.
  12. peter

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    Mastering today is more about getting playback consistent across multiple systems, that's a given, nobody will deny how things have changed. If you have the understanding of achieving this you don't need mastering. There is plenty of us left doing AAA transfer you just have to look a bit harder...
  13. peter

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    That's odd that it affected your vocal. You can set it in the mix just once your bass and kick drum and lower info are centered. You can get away with about 200hz and higher into the sides. Some plugins don't allow you to select the EEQ position after the mix stage and sit a little too deep with...
  14. peter

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    Yip, it's one of those fundamental things you have to keep an eye on. But people think that pushing a super wide mix has no degradation to a mix. It can be over done. Am not saying everyone does it. you would see it in 1 in 10 mixes. @ shower, another shower I always find a little hard...
  15. peter

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    It won't change it. When you collapse your stereo mix to mono you will loose stereo information that is out of phase. That's all it means, it's just an example of where things can fall apart in response to Gaz's post about things falling apart and not been too bothered checking mono compatibility.