nuke terrorist's latest activity

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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread 2020-21 Football thread.
    The Georgians, a great bunch of lads.
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    nuke terrorist reacted to GARYXKNIFEDX's post in the thread Ireland with
    Schools have changed a lot since you went. And there is a lot of talk about the stuff you mention gets time in classroom. At least it...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread New music for 2024.
    I hate bad communication and not being given info. So this how I like to be spoken to myself. No idea what gender you are
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    A decent competent judge and we wouldn't even be talking about this Does anyone tell children stuff like this directly? That's sort of...
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    So I am only a few tapes away now from finishing listening to a big backlog of little listened to stuff that once numbered over a...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    When I said kids should be told their rights from a young age (several years ago) several people from Thumped strongly disagreed. There...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread New music for 2024.
    There loads of bands that worship the Ramones, Joy Division, Eno, Stooges, Velvets. Not to mention Sonic Youth, Husker Du etc. Not...
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    nuke terrorist reacted to rettucs's post in the thread Ireland with
    there is nothing fair about sport. if having fair rules is wildly important you'd think folks would be making more of an effort to...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    Just my own experience. I saw little bullying from kids and it made little impact. I didn't meet other kids much outside school. I...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    The biggest problem with bigots is denying facts. They won't accept reality even when the evidence is put in front of them. No sense of...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    I'd love to see something like the last hour of school on Friday given up to discussions promoting empathy. Each week the kids and...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    I have never seen a man hit a girl - but I know it happens. Minor level violence between lads doesn't cause much long term trauma in my...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread New music for 2024.
    In fairness that's true of a huge amount of music. Free improvisation, punk, ambient, atonal modern composition, disco, funk...
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    nuke terrorist reacted to ernesto's post in the thread Minor complaints thread with
    No I've always think it's a bit on the nose. We already know they like the band, cause they're at the gig. What I love seeing are...
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    nuke terrorist replied to the thread Ireland.
    There are lessons to learn from how Irish (men especially) were raised only a few decades ago. - gender segregated schools. - corporal...