Recent content by mr topsy-turvy

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    bbc's conspiracy files 9/11 debunked

    if you watch the video i posted, be my guest
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    bbc's conspiracy files 9/11 debunked
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    911 truth bristol

    Thats exactly what i am doing. It's true that U.S foreign policy hasn't made them many friends, especially in the middle east. Looking at peak oil and what's at risk for cheney and his pals it's more about future foreign policy imo. A good (irish made?) documentary on that subject can be seen...
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    911 truth bristol

    Flight 77 data recorder decoded, seems the plane did hit the pentagon at 3 different angles at the same time, apparently the pentagon leaped a few hundred feet to allow impact
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    An unfortunate name

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    911 truth bristol "NEW YORK -- The voices, captured on a tape of Fire Department radio transmissions, betray no fear. The words are matter of fact. Two hose lines are needed, Chief Orio Palmer says from an upper floor of the badly damaged...
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    911 truth bristol

    the amount of fuel in those planes would have burned for 2 hours tops Battalion Seven Chief: "Battalion Seven ... Ladder 15, we've got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor numerous 10-45 Code Ones." Ladder 15: "Chief, what...
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    911 truth bristol

    alright last post from me in this thread the buildings collapsed at freefall speed assuming the pancake theory, collapse takes at least 110 seconds instead of 10
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    911 truth bristol

    i should have added that the photo on the right is 5 weeks after 9/11
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    911 truth bristol

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    911 truth bristol

    cheeky bastards, seems they used a hacksaw and a blowtorch on the core immediately afterwards to really rub it in
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    911 truth bristol

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    911 truth bristol

    i just want my best mate back he got assigned to interrogation duties at gitmo
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    911 truth bristol

    your point is that 9/11 couldn't have been an inside job because it just couldn't now shut it i'm afraid i have heard this argument many times, how about adding some evidence?
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    911 truth bristol

    you remind me of this guy