Recent content by lucky_dresden

  1. L

    Brian Lenihan has cancer

    He's a bollix. Good riddance.
  2. L

    Would you buy a gaff with this address?

    It's not too far from Horetown.
  3. L

    product placement

    Sound is crap but Rob Lowe's face is priceless. Surely his greatest performance.
  4. L

    Dole question

    Always sign for your credits even if you don't qualify for a payment. Always.
  5. L

    Favorite Star Trek TNG Baddies

    Are you mad? Hot large-chested chicks who would take you roughly and then cast you aside when they're done with you! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  6. L

    The Landscape Channel

    Anybody remember the Landscape Channel. Coming home pissed and then listening to classical music. Class. YouTube - Someday We Will All Be Together
  7. L

    Films where remakes are better than the originals

    Eh, Goff, you missed the perfect opportunity to throw "steamer" in there.
  8. L

    Karadzic captured

    Does this mean there'll be a new series of Father Ted?
  9. L

    Seamus Brennan RIP

    We have lost a giant.
  10. L

    Shadow of war looms as Israel flexes its muscle

    You'd imagine that if the Israelis were going to do it they'd just do it. With America behind them they can give everybody the big fuck you. Very odd that they would advertise.
  11. L

    Old fart McCain

    When he meets the President of Iran he can ram his shopping trolley into him.
  12. L

    Lisbon Treaty

    You're right, they're all a shower of crooked bastards. (Allegedly)
  13. L

    Lisbon Treaty

    €8.8m. Maybe they took their donations and put it on a horse, that nobody remembers the name of. Or something.
  14. L

    Lisbon Treaty

    There are two groups in this country tied to the US Military and their CIA torture flights, and that's Fianna Fail and the Greens. And where the fuck do people think Fianna Fail get their money? Pot, kettle, blackarse.