Recent content by idetailyourlife

  1. idetailyourlife

    [Apr 15, 2013] The Mad Violinist & Symphony Crack Orchestra (Dublin, Ireland)

    Get ready for The Mad Violinist and The Symphony Crack Orchestra to take Europe by storm as they tear up the stage at Sweeney Mongrel in The Dublin Mezz! All shows during Indie Week are FREE to attend, so there's no excuse to not come enjoy some great music and grab a Guinness (or two...)...
  2. idetailyourlife

    [Apr 26, 2013] The Mad Violinist & Symphony Crack Orchestra (Dublin, Ireland)

    Get ready for The Mad Violinist and The Symphony Crack Orchestra to take Europe by storm as they tear up the stage at Sweeney Mongrel in The Dublin Mezz! All shows during Indie Week are FREE to attend, so there's no excuse to not come enjoy some great music and grab a Guinness (or two...)...