Recent content by echidnacrossing

  1. echidnacrossing

    Penalty Points

    Ah thanks that puts my mind at rest. I've heard stories that there are cameras mounted on the flyover bridges, and that people had seen flashes as they passed underneath. I'm not a speedmonger but since I was already being bold by going on the M50 I thought I'd see what 120 kph felt like. It...
  2. echidnacrossing

    Penalty Points

    I got my first car last week, and I want to ask all you drivers out there if you've been stung for any driving offences. How stringent are they with the speed limit? Like if I let myself go 5 MPH over for a couple of seconds without realising? This happened once or twice. Do they have those...
  3. echidnacrossing


    Are those the same thing as dub plates?
  4. echidnacrossing

    vst - rtas

    I have the vst-au converter by fxpansion for mac. It's not great, plugins don't work well, mouseclicks don't register, plugin settings aren't saved with the song, etc. But I didn't pay for it so wtf.
  5. echidnacrossing

    Mastering Madness 2 - The IRISH dimension

    Plus digital clipping will cook your tweeters.
  6. echidnacrossing

    Mastering Madness part 1

    What has the loudness of a master have to do with the iPod's shuffle function?
  7. echidnacrossing

    Mastering Madness part 1

    omg lmao :D
  8. echidnacrossing

    favorites now

    I am familiar with it. It's the same one that Jacques Lu Cont used, right? There's not much else to the track really. And that rising staccato semiquaver motif in it smells very suspiciously of Gescom - Puzl as well.. What annoys me most is the way those black fellas in the videos are lip...
  9. echidnacrossing

    favorites now

    Unfortunately I have free cable which means I overhear when other people are watching MTV.
  10. echidnacrossing

    favorites now

    Currently at the top of my list: Mocky - Mickey Mouse Motherf$%@ers Stars Of The Lid - Dust Breeding (1.316)+ Chevron - E-mails and Viruses The Groundbreaker - Fallacy & Fusion Cornelius - Another Viewpoint And I'm very disappointed with Missy E...
  11. echidnacrossing

    Impromptu Thumped Beach Party

    Nope, I'm not someone's alter ego. My name is Louie Louie, and I'm here to tell you about a great new dance called the Touchie. So I was sick of lurking on thumped with a shit Pink Floyd username/avatar, so I started afresh. Apologies to anyone who doesn't like candid photography.
  12. echidnacrossing

    Impromptu Thumped Beach Party

    Some photos