dudley's latest activity

  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread Jaysus cycling!.
    Rented a car in London a couple of years ago. Drove back into the city from Legoland, so along whatever that motorway is. Over the...
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread Basic income for artists.
    I would like some of this money
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread People Who Died.
    This is quite lovely
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread the RTE thread.
    It's because they'd no competition really, even before devices and the internet, it took a hell of a long time for any other commercial...
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread the RTE thread.
    For a while, pre-pando, 2FM was letting us 2XM types on air on Sunday nights. We can but dream....
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread What charity to donate to?.
    That's exactly what it looks like here this morning. Oh no wait, it's Thanks for donating!
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread What charity to donate to?.
    One last time for good luck, if you're tired of all that money burning a hole in your pocket, donate it to Barretstown! In return, I...
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread Ireland.
    Sentiment is great, if decades overdue, but unless it's backed by actual action, like stopping the US military using Shannon to...
  • dudley
    dudley reacted to Anthony's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    Renegotiated my vodafone contract yesterday, got rid of TV and landline (haven't turned the TV on in 2 years) and doubled the speed of...
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread European and local elections 2024.
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread Wordle.
    Wordle 1,067 5/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 eh, what?
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread People Who Died.
    I thought he died in his 90's twenty years ago
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread What charity to donate to?.
    Right, doing another charity fundraising event bit of madness. We're going to do a 24km hike over the Dublin Mountains next Sunday to...
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread New music for 2024.
    Very bittersweet listening to the new shellac today. Does sound marvellous though
  • dudley
    dudley replied to the thread European and local elections 2024.
    Oh yeah. Anto’s out!!