Deadmanposting's latest activity

  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting reacted to YoungHearts's post in the thread Ireland with
    I don't want to step across anyone here - but I took from this an acknowledgement that male and female bodies are quite different -...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting reacted to YoungHearts's post in the thread Ireland with
    Fairness is a cornerstone of sport (this is an incredibly relevant and valid theme in current discussions about women's sports!). It...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread Ireland.
    No no no Not at all This is Reets story earlier about an interaction with a random dude in a pub who went from charming to threatening...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread Wordle.
    This game is stupid. Not me, the game. Wordle 1,105 X/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟩 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟨🟩
  • Deadmanposting
    They are Chinese since the global finacial crisis But everything I've read says that the Chinese let the Swedes cook
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread Wordle.
    This was easy and I messed it up hugely Wordle 1,104 5/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟨 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread 2020-21 Football thread.
    She could be.... (y) mah wife (y)
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting reacted to Richie's post in the thread 2020-21 Football thread with
    I'm proud of Georgia - Ireland raised the bar for their footballing culture by grinding out turgid narrow victories against them in...
  • Deadmanposting
    Ha! At least half of my driving, if not more, are straight 300km+ distances I don't trust EVs to do that in the winter just yet...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread Ireland.
    I don't mean to disrupt anything by going on about this, but - TO ME - the inconsistency is glaring. Clearly not for anyone else.
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting reacted to seanc's post in the thread Minor complaints thread with
    weh weh weh
    One t-shirt is probably ok. Wearing hundreds of them at once is a bit showy imho.
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread Ireland.
    Yeah of course. Most reasonable people don't care who wears a dress or calls themselves whatever or sleeps with whom. Go for it. Live...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting reacted to YoungHearts's post in the thread Ireland with
    Have been away from Thumped for a bit - and it's comforting to see that the flames are still burning 🔥 , although perhaps not so...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting reacted to rettucs's post in the thread Ireland with
    I wasn't the one who brought sports into the discussion. Conflating safe spaces in sport, with safe spaces in life in general, is not a...
  • Deadmanposting
    Deadmanposting replied to the thread Ireland.
    Fair enough. Prisons then. Domestic abuse shelters. Lockerrooms. Women don't want the "two to put you down" crew in there. Life and...