Kevin Myers is back on form (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2002
i know it's nothing new but two gems of intolerance and delusion in two days, covering misogyny and racism. can't wait for tomorrow...

kevin myers said:
Irish Independent 9th July 2008

§Feminism in medical world a prescription for disaster

'In 1975, one in every 20 doctors who graduated from GP training schemes in the Republic was a woman. By 2003, according to a Trinity College training survey, 70pc of GP graduates were female. An old problem, gender imbalance in the medical profession, may have been rectified."
Thus runs an editorial in yesterday's 'Irish Times'; and no doubt to the liberal mind, a 70:30 ratio in favour of female graduates is actually gender balance. To be sure, the editorial admits, several paragraphs later, that the ratio between women and men was tilted -- a nice word to describe the above ratio, but the overall impression was nonetheless created that a historic injustice has been, well, 'rectified'.
Now, are you looking for an example of how the feminist agenda is wrecking Irish institutions? Take one step forward, the Irish medical profession! For years -- and long before the recent TCD survey by Professor Fergus O'Kelly -- we have known that the feminisation of the medical profession was creating a long-term disaster.
But no one dared deal with the issue in public, least of all journalists, the most ideologically 'liberal' of all professional groups, for whom, apparently, 2.3/1 = 1. Because interviews are seen as 'sexist', medical schools are obliged to demand the highest number of points in the Leaving Cert, which is taken at an age when girls are overwhelmingly superior to boys.
For the boy is not out of his intellectual chrysalis when he sits his Leaving Cert; the girl is flapping her lovely butterfly wings in the sunlight. We know this is a temporary phenomenon, related to the difference in the processes of maturation.
Other differences will unfold over the next 10 years which are overwhelmingly to the advantage of men. But any assessment of future medical students on their long-term potential or professional intent, would be vigorously opposed by those ridiculous, yet deeply sinister feminist-agenda quangos which are subsidised by the Department of Justice.
Moreover, overall, boys and girls do not belong to the same species of medical Lepidoptera; he-doctors are usually doctors for life, she-doctors are not, as a survey four years ago by two women doctors, Davida La Harpe and Fiona Graham, first revealed.
Their investigations of women GP graduates from between 1995 and 2001 showed that only 10pc intended to remain on as full time GPs. Yes, just one in 10. Which is bad -- and it could actually be far worse.
Because only two thirds of women graduates invited to participate in the survey actually did so: the other one third did not reply.
Had they already left the profession? The worst-case scenario is therefore as follows: only 6pc of GP she-graduates will be practising as full-time GPs in the long-term.
The La Harpe/Graham survey then showed that of the she-graduates who filled in the questionnaire, 13pc had already left the profession -- essentially, while in their 20s. Another one -third had ceased full-time time work. Some 40pc were already intending to abandon out-office hours, and 80pc said they would never work as a single GP in rural areas.
This is not a health system; it is a first day on the Somme. A large part of our medical schools output are casualties to retirement or part-time work within 10 years of their becoming doctors. But there is no native spare capacity to make good this shortfall: We only have enough medical places to supply our needs. But too many of these places are not being taken by serious would-be doctors, but by frivolous show-offs, who, having grabbed so many vital places in medical school, thereby revealing to the world how very clever they are, then abandon the profession totally, or in part.
The Harpe-Graham response to the crisis was itself utterly girlish: It was that the entire medical profession (and presumably the sick) must re-arrange itself around the requirements of the rising army of part-time she-doctors.
Which is rather like saying the moon should rearrange itself around the requirements of Cape Canaveral.
Well, if things continue as they are, when one of you former she-doctors falls into labour at 5 am, you'll find the midwives and obstetricians are all girls too, so the hospitals are empty.
Or maybe, you hope you can depend on the tiny handful of male doctors which our educational system, no doubt by some regrettable oversight, still produces. But those fine fellows cannot plug the huge gaps left by the mass exodus of women from a profession which they had prevented so many lads from entering in the first place.
So how are the holes in our medical system to be filled? By immigrants from 'developing' countries, of course.
No doubt their native lands consider the loss of those graduates, educated at colossal expense by impoverished socities which are crying our for more doctors, a price well worth paying, merely so that Emma and Naomi and Jessica could prove that, aged 18, they were so much smarter than their male-contemporaries.
And with this triumph achieved, they then abandon the surgery, and high-tail it for Brown Thomas -- another victory for the feminist agenda!
...and the second one

kevin myers said:
Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS

By Kevin Myers

Thursday July 10 2008

No. It will not do. Even as we see African states refusing to take action to restore something resembling civilisation in Zimbabwe, the begging bowl for Ethiopia is being passed around to us, yet again. It is nearly 25 years since Ethiopia's (and Bob Geldof's) famous Feed The World campaign, and in that time Ethiopia's population has grown from 33.5 million to 78 million today.
So why on earth should I do anything to encourage further catastrophic demographic growth in that country? Where is the logic? There is none. To be sure, there are two things saying that logic doesn't count.
One is my conscience, and the other is the picture, yet again, of another wide-eyed child, yet again, gazing, yet again, at the camera, which yet again, captures the tragedy of . . .
Sorry. My conscience has toured this territory on foot and financially. Unlike most of you, I have been to Ethiopia; like most of you, I have stumped up the loot to charities to stop starvation there. The wide-eyed boy-child we saved, 20 years or so ago, is now a priapic, Kalashnikov-bearing hearty, siring children whenever the whim takes him.
There is, no doubt a good argument why we should prolong this predatory and dysfunctional economic, social and sexual system; but I do not know what it is. There is, on the other hand, every reason not to write a column like this.
It will win no friends, and will provoke the self-righteous wrath of, well, the self-righteous, letter-writing wrathful, a species which never fails to contaminate almost every debate in Irish life with its sneers and its moral superiority. It will also probably enrage some of the finest men in Irish life, like John O'Shea, of Goal; and the Finucane brothers, men whom I admire enormously. So be it.
But, please, please, you self-righteously wrathful, spare me mention of our own Famine, with this or that lazy analogy. There is no comparison. Within 20 years of the Famine, the Irish population was down by 30pc. Over the equivalent period, thanks to western food, the Mercedes 10-wheel truck and the Lockheed Hercules, Ethiopia's has more than doubled.
Alas, that wretched country is not alone in its madness. Somewhere, over the rainbow, lies Somalia, another fine land of violent, Kalashnikov-toting, khat-chewing, girl-circumcising, permanently tumescent layabouts.
Indeed, we now have almost an entire continent of sexually
hyperactive indigents, with tens of millions of people who only survive because of help from the outside world.
This dependency has not stimulated political prudence or commonsense. Indeed, voodoo idiocy seems to be in the ascendant, with the next president of South Africa being a firm believer in the efficacy of a little tap water on the post-coital penis as a sure preventative against infection. Needless to say, poverty, hunger and societal meltdown have not prevented idiotic wars involving Tigre, Uganda, Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea etcetera.
Broad brush-strokes, to be sure. But broad brush-strokes are often the way that history paints its gaudier, if more decisive, chapters. Japan, China, Russia, Korea, Poland, Germany, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the 20th century have endured worse broad brush-strokes than almost any part of Africa.
They are now -- one way or another -- virtually all giving aid to or investing in Africa, whereas Africa, with its vast savannahs and its lush pastures, is giving almost nothing to anyone, apart from AIDS.
Meanwhile, Africa's peoples are outstripping their resources, and causing catastrophic ecological degradation. By 2050, the population of Ethiopia will be 177 million: The equivalent of France, Germany and Benelux today, but located on the parched and increasingly protein-free wastelands of the Great Rift Valley.
So, how much sense does it make for us actively to increase the adult population of what is already a vastly over-populated, environmentally devastated and economically dependent country?
How much morality is there in saving an Ethiopian child from starvation today, for it to survive to a life of brutal circumcision, poverty, hunger, violence and sexual abuse, resulting in another half-dozen such wide-eyed children, with comparably jolly little lives ahead of them? Of course, it might make you feel better, which is a prime reason for so much charity. But that is not good enough.
For self-serving generosity has been one of the curses of Africa. It has sustained political systems which would otherwise have collapsed.
It prolonged the Eritrean-Ethiopian war by nearly a decade. It is inspiring Bill Gates' programme to rid the continent of malaria, when, in the almost complete absence of personal self-discipline, that disease is one of the most efficacious forms of population-control now operating.
If his programme is successful, tens of millions of children who would otherwise have died in infancy will survive to adulthood, he boasts. Oh good: then what?I know. Let them all come here. Yes, that's an idea.
he was just mouthin off on the last word about the dangers of immigration, kept refering to the problems we have here, we , we , whats this we you fuckin brit immigrant cunt, he'll be first again the fuckin wall im tellin ye, well maybe after eoghan harris :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Holy fuck that article on Africa is incredible. They didn't discuss this article on the Last Word did they? It was just about immigration right?

"Somewhere, over the rainbow, lies Somalia, another fine land of violent, Kalashnikov-toting, khat-chewing, girl-circumcising, permanently tumescent layabouts.
Indeed, we now have almost an entire continent of sexually
hyperactive indigents, with tens of millions of people who only survive because of help from the outside world."

...whats this we you fuckin brit immigrant cunt...

i was sitting behind kevin myers in a cafe today at lunchtime. he was doodling in his notebook. i took a picture over his shoulder with my camera phone to see what he was up to. i was shocked at the results:


we're next lads!
If his programme is successful, tens of millions of children who would otherwise have died in infancy will survive to adulthood, he boasts. Oh good: then what?I know. Let them all come here. Yes, that's an idea.

That's the real issue for him. Mr Myers solution to his concerns over the immigrant population in Ireland is economic genocide in their country of origin. Let's nip this problem at the root.
i was sitting behind kevin myers in a cafe today at lunchtime. he was doodling in his notebook. i took a picture over his shoulder with my camera phone to see what he was up to. i was shocked at the results:


we're next lads!

He's a good drawer.

Ah, the hits just keep on coming. Don't rise to it, lads. He only writes that way to get people writing in. Okay, he is a genuine wanker and he probably believes all that, but you can imagine them in the office having a laugh about the proles writing in.

His views on population control are sooo 20th Century.

Imagine him and David McWilliams' bastard child....

If anyone is thinking of writing in, just say, "I'm no longer even reading yer man's mouthpieces as he's obviously gone off the boil a bit. No wonder The Oirish Times got rid of him. In fact, I think I'll go back to reading the Oirish Times, as this paper is shit."

Hit them where it hurts (In the bollix. - Ed.).

Speaking of which, I walked by The Lizard King, Anto O'Reilly today. You could see his fucking lizard scales. Poxy skin. Money can't buy you everything, I suppose.
wikipedia said:
Myers caused controversy on 8 February 2006 in his Irishman's Diary when he referred to Scottish people as obese and dependent on the welfare state.
There lies the ruin of Scotland - subsidies. Guaranteed transfers of capital from England have created a political culture of sloth which is now endemic and even personalised. Scottish people are the most obese in Europe, in which regard they resemble the wretched Scottish statelet. Only a minority of Scottish people work for a living - and most of those who have jobs are employed by the state: 577,300. In other words, they are employed by the English to manage themselves. The rest of the Scots are on the dole or pensions, living in state-owned housing estates, sending their children to state-run schools, where the most likely form of personal enterprise they will ever encounter is their local heroin-dealer.​
heh, sometimes its almost entertaining. i often think he does it just to rise people but i was giving out about him once to quite a close family member and they responded by saying that myers can be arrogant but speaks a lot of truth
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