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  1. G

    Yo Marklar

    your favourite albums of the year intrigue abouts me u and some other ppl get together and copy all those bands at the same time? or come up with an original idea i dont mind... EMO! EMO! EMO! EMO!
  2. G

    Best Of 2002

    Worst habit people have: Seeing drunkenness as being a valid substitute for personality. comin from the same man who if i do recall b4 the thrashfest didnt need no club lemon to chase his vodka...the same man who was tokin that shit like it be goin outta fashion? say it aint so!
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    Best Of 2002

    shudnt u be actin like a complete and utter wanker weeler?..... no wait youve just thought of everything havent you
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    not true phil one time he cudnt sleep and he counted sheep and there aint nuttin spooky about sheep..exept for that strange king sheep who lives on a golf course in blessington..if u dont beleive me ask fairly sure he allso seen this king like sheep..we were goin by on the 65 one day and...
  5. G

    another kilcoole gig

    yeah thats goin down as my best gig of '03 next year and if eoin did those old man eoin songs on his eoin hes a ruddy genius!(hehe ruddy) so many quality bands and a chance for me and chunky d to show our hiphop stylings to the rest of the world yo..i allso had the joy of falling down wrecking...
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    Vocalist/Drummer needed...

    hehehe that add shudve said andrew griswold needed
  7. G

    Best Of 2002

    top ten shiznits best bands:da bong/no compliance best road trip:carlow(its smells mad nd that sugar factory is scary) best amount of hash:emmas half bar best drink:stonehouse aaaww yeah best gig:thrashfest or one of da coolie ones (cos i missed the warzone..boourns) best...
  8. G

    Irish hardcore Zombiecore madness

    hehehe zombie never pictured 2cubed in a zombiecore band? and what the hell inspired u to start a zombiecore band..and what the hells a zombiecore band..does the band have zombies in it?
  9. G

    Future Touring Bands

    punk rawk 2099 i can just picture marty mcfly bein pushed against mooneys wall by some guy with a big metal mohawk then that mad doctor flyin along and throwin him his little pink hoverboard...(note to self..steal idea and pitch to that richie cunningham guy.) needs a talkin pie tho
  10. G

    junior cert, 1 year anniversary and fuckin' HARDCORE!

    junior nite yay i get to celebrate my terrible results in style! wooh.. and i have to go i havent been to a gig in quite some time pretty rockin time to choose..cant wait to see da bong again.. junior cert hoooorah