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    FOAD Musick Xmas party

    Any idea of times?
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    Question: decent small venues in Dublin?

    Yet another for the Pint! All pints 4 quid all the time and an upstairs beergarden!
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    this new look is crap

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    GBH / paranoid visions / lobotomies / corrosive machine / beanz on toast.

    8th of May is that not when UK Subs were meant to play?
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    Sex & drugs and rock n roll

    Was looking forward to catching this movie when it was released last week! But it doesn't seem to on in any cinemas anybody know why????????????
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    Roddy Radiation (The Specials) Acoustic gig Fri 13th Nov

    Will defo be there! Is the cellar any bigger now? Is there air con coz it's like a feckin sweatbox
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    7th annual GGI Festival Ireland 2010 - dates

    Ah Napalm you did such a good job of bog patrol last time there mite be 2 bottles for ya next year!
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    recession food and booze deals

    The Sub under Tara Street Dart has pints for 3.40 and Pravda has pints for 4 quid even at weekends!
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    goldblade / paranoid visions / blood or whiskey / liz is evil

    Ecellent line up! Cool little venue as well good stuff
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    Roosky_Nov 7th at Fibbers_Last gig

    Meat Abstract is a deadly song
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    paranoid visions / a political / skeleton crew / liz is evil

    It was a mad nite! The fight in the beergarden was a bit scary everyone got stuck in. Deko was covered in blood but he alrite just a cut nose. Wonder will they stop gigs now coz of all the trouble
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    New Club Night Sat Sept 19th

    I totally agree! A great night
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    Gary O'Neills Dublin Youth Culture Photo Book.

    Was meant to be out months ago
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    Madrid - is it good or shit?

    I got my purse robbed on the Metro on the way into Madrid! Be very careful on the metro it's full of robbing scumbags. The police don't want to know
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    Silver Apples & Twin Kranes. This Saturday. (September 12)Whelans

    Silver Apples brilliant! Wierd and wonderful
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    PIL, well who's going?

    I'll deffo be there! Love PIL