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  1. Murphys_Wench

    Sligo people?

    Sligo Eurovision Entry:
  2. Murphys_Wench

    If you were stuck in an elevator...

    Ray Mears - he'd have the place decked out all comfy and have some soup brewing over a fire in no time at all. With some 'Flogging Molly' tunes...
  3. Murphys_Wench

    has anyone noticed

    Let this be a lesson to you all. If you are going to use a webcam, remember that the pictures can turn up anywhere....
  4. Murphys_Wench

    has anyone noticed

    This would be a fine thread to introduce myself on and say hello - though, I have no affiliation with the excretory orifaces(sp?) influx to the board, am I still welcome here, or should I begin again with a name themed appropriately to the morning-after curse of the curry-eating guinness...
  5. Murphys_Wench

    What is your favourite song ever?

    Oooh favourite song, can never decide on these questions, too many to sift through. Hmm. 'Heresy' by Nine Inch Nails is a great tune. Shellacs 'Idea of North' been played quite a bit recently too. Anyone remember Simpsons, 'Do the Bartman'. Sticks in your head that. Terrible state of affairs.
  6. Murphys_Wench

    Things we know in our hearts but won't admit

    1. Never actually listened to Pavement, can't comment on that one. 2. I will carry the Bill Hicks cross, be'jaysus people, he was alright that man, I mean, anyone who said, ''Bullshit, we're a virus with shoes, ok? That's all we are'', give the man a biscuit and a cup of milk where due. 3...
  7. Murphys_Wench

    Top 100 best selling albums of all time

    21 million people own an N Sync record, most likely in some shady cupboard, cunningly hidden behind a picture on their wall for when they find themselves alone, 'cause I've never met one- they are keeping that one pretty quiet - shame on you all!