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  1. chris d

    You know you're getting old....

  2. chris d

    Jaysus cycling!

    Absolutely. Re: previous chat. I only really cycle to work and back, 5.8km each way. Mostly through Glasnevin and Cabra (in Dublin @ann post ) I always wear a helmet. The odd time I'm in the middle of a cycle and wondering why if feels so lovely and free, and then realise it's because I've...
  3. chris d

    Film chat

    Give me a Clubber Lang origin story.
  4. chris d

    New Manics single

    Well sham. Not sure, I'm trying to figure out suitable fashion for a 42 year old man. I've been trying the white t-shirt, blue jeans, but I'm not sure if it doesn't make me look like a complete dick.
  5. chris d

    European and local elections 2024

    Exact same here. This is the first year I remember getting reasonably well designed and produced leaflets from that type of candidate.
  6. chris d

    the RTE thread

    Livedrive on Dublin City FM changed their presenters a year or two ago and I haven't listened to the radio since.
  7. chris d

    Getting rid of vinyls

    Look I'll take your Britpop, @Cornu Ammonis will take whatever shite industrial noise you've got, @nuke terrorist needs some Croatian punk and @GARYXKNIFEDX is out of Cheap Trick.
  8. chris d

    Elliott Smith is dead

    The Elliott stuff is a cut above. Great memories from listening to these tunes, I'll be on to Uncle Tupelo next.
  9. chris d

    Elliott Smith is dead

    Being young, in love, fluting about Dublin listening to these songs. Great days.
  10. chris d

    Elliott Smith is dead

    The best. Back before youtube in 2003 I had to join sweetaddy and a girl from america posted me 3 dvds of footage of him playing.
  11. chris d

    Minor complaints thread

    who's got time to track the read receipts they are getting back anyway? managers. @pete
  12. chris d

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Kettlebell fan here. You'll soon move up to a 12 or 16. I'm concentrating more on other stuff at the minute, but will stick on a random 10 or 15 minute video on youtube and be put to shame. Great piece of kit.
  13. chris d

    What charity to donate to?

  14. chris d

    2020-21 Football thread

    I've always been a big....Atalanta man.
  15. chris d


    BACK IN MY DAY, you had to jump over a ditch to get started. I don't mind a path though.
  16. chris d

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    I don't watch much boxing, but I thought it was a great fight. After what feels like years of build up the pressure was on. Very few periods of holding on stuff. Usyk looked remarkably smaller than Tyson. It was quality when he got his clock cleaned.
  17. chris d

    Minor complaints thread

    I wondered why this annoyance started happening. Why Google searches in Europe no longer show maps
  18. chris d

    European and local elections 2024

    Yeah. I don't think Bertie wants the heat when push comes to shove and out of the current active headline politicians, I only really see MM having the path for it. I think he would be popular with the general population in general as well.
  19. chris d

    Space is the Place

    Mate in Galway is getting some action.
  20. chris d

    European and local elections 2024

    My money is on Micheál, but we have a while to go.