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  1. ann post

    European and local elections 2024

    I'm not sure what went on but I just went looking to see how the tv3 debate was gonna and there were 4 of 27 candidates there.
  2. ann post

    European and local elections 2024
  3. ann post

    Basic income for artists

    Greyhounds can't draw for shit either
  4. ann post

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    Edits could be a bit tighter but I enjoy they tactical studies these days
  5. ann post

    European and local elections 2024

    That's kinda what i've been seeing too. I don't think it's smart, but i do see it working. Far right running about with one liners that make no fucking sense but appeal to people. Left/centres not getting in on the american style populisms FF stepping a bit right the past week to try and seem...
  6. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    Ah that should be handy enough to sort, if not an annoying that would be better not existing
  7. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    Can you claim insurance on that? Just like if it's money wormhole kinda scrape that crosses 2 doors and a quarter panel it might be cheaper that way. emphasis on the might
  8. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    not constantly, but I always have it with me on the carrier. It depends on how many taxi drivers i expect to be near essentailly. Putting it on the carrier is a really good early road rage detection system (also driver rules of road knowledge test similar to the brown m&m's one). A much lower...
  9. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    The internet tells me the bike itself is 14kg. Then i've a U lock, chain lock and the steel rope thing, all the clothes for work, all the food and drink for the day, swimming stuff just in case and some wash bag type stuff for changing. I was kinda surprised myself I always assumed the whole...
  10. ann post

    Bored In Work 1192

  11. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I'm probably repeating the first answer on the thread but is the battery removable on them? He probably needs to look at taking a train and leaving the car where it is :P
  12. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Weighed the fully loaded bike this morning, it's about 28kg. So there.
  13. ann post

    Jaysus cycling! These lads are doing a Palestine charity cycle round the country. Been following them, seeing if I can join for a bit if I can
  14. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

  15. ann post

    Basic income for artists

    Its a posh dole but you dont have to sign on/off every time you get a bit of work.
  16. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    actually in one case loads of people were trapped a light in galway here, and eventually the guy about two cars back asked the cycle box person to reverse back onto the sensor because it couldn't see anything when our filter lane was due. It worked, but it was for a filter. In that case, being...
  17. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I always wonder about the advance stop box people - like the sensor is under where they are supposed to be, does is mean they spend longer at the lights because they haven't stopped on the sensor coil
  18. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I don't think you buy a supercar with a view to not being a dickhead in all fairness
  19. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I pass in the region of 2-600 cars per day depending on traffic and can confirm, it's 599 people driving like adults and 1 driving like an angry child. I was reading some cycle spam on facebook (some 'bloody cyclists' thread) and was thinking, online all those angry child drivers can converge...
  20. ann post

    Basic income for artists

    ...on that scheme who's been able to take on a load more legit work in their arts area/feild because they aren't under pressure to placate the social welfare between projects. Bloody Greens wha* *notable the recognition of Palestine as a state was in their program for govt from a few years...