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  1. W

    Minor complaints thread

    Fuck sake.
  2. W

    Minor complaints thread

    My colleague is a born again Christian and he's going to stand outside a neo pagan conference this weekend to try and make druids and ahem "witches" see the light. He also berates another colleague for practising yoga as it's letting Indian Gods into his soul. Thought about saying something but...
  3. W

    Minor complaints thread

    That's like a passive aggressive version of "show them this thread".
  4. W

    Minor complaints thread

    I've a new person beside me at work. He talks at me all day distracting me from my work and is a prolific poster with a post count of several thousand. He told me this morning that he likes to give advice on the personal issues forum. He also hates farmers and people from...
  5. W

    Workplace Annoyances

    Laziness! I'm part of a two person team. I work, she sits and texts. I wanted to rat her out on Friday but our manager went on this rant about how we make such a good team. I had visions of this...
  6. W


    I'm starting to become depressed worrying over dew points. Been chart watching since September and Friday had me in bits with all the sleet, people in work jeering that it wouldn't stick to the ground and the fact I have no transport to bring me to the snow instead of the snow coming to me...
  7. W

    Minor Pleasures

    Aww jaysus... The person I know in that video has a three year old kid.
  8. W

    Quotes from your parents

    Also.... I've been hearing about a cock pheasant roosting in a tree about 400m from the front lawn in the field in front of the house now for a while. When I came down last Saturday night she was all delighted that she could finally show me. My Mam: "Every day about half four in the evening he...
  9. W

    Quotes from your parents

    ...tell him that you loved his colour scheme and frame style choice and that I had to send it back up with you. Sure is your brother driving you up? *She then mockingly practices her speech to my dad* "She really loved it now, really did, said she wouldn't see the likes of it in Dublin and that...
  10. W

    Minor complaints thread

    The gaint fag burn inbetween my index and middle finger that I have no memory of getting and a black coat staring at me from the end of the couch that I took home by mistake. Enniscorthy, its all your fault.
  11. W

    [BBC] Lostprophets rock star Ian Watkins on child sex offence charges

    Do you recall him being hit by a bottle of piss and then asking some of the youngins at the front to come fight him while throwing his middle finger around?
  12. W

    Minor complaints thread

    I sometimes forget to think before I speak. Tis embarrassing at the best of times.
  13. W

    Minor complaints thread

    Being the only person not to receive a secret Santa gift in work. I had to embarrassingly stand there laughing as it became pretty apparent that who ever got me hadn't bothered their hole to get me anything. As it wasn't noted who got who, some of us have assumed who it is which led to half the...
  14. W

    Minor complaints thread

    I've no housework done as someone is wrong on the internet.
  15. W

    Dont post teenagers christmas cards if they dont contain money

    True the last few listed were on the dearer side! Will update with my cake cafe experience yesterday. edit:- Might not actually, went to their website to find menus and the design of their cakes to order page is giving me motion sickness. Can't think about food anymore. If you scroll fast...
  16. W

    Dont post teenagers christmas cards if they dont contain money

    Did their cat take a shit on a swiss roll?
  17. W

    Dont post teenagers christmas cards if they dont contain money

    Yeah in Food, hasn't had a post in a year though. I need to eat for the re$t of the month too not just not today. Anyone any other ideas? Someone should start a "cakes that look epic" thread, like epic to eat none of this sugar craft fuckery.
  18. W

    Dont post teenagers christmas cards if they dont contain money

    I'd think so but I'm sure people wouldn't look that much into it tbh. On the other hand I came here to look at the restaurant recommendations thread but now I'm just going to ashamed of my misspent youth for the rest of the day. I hope you realise what you've done Shaney, for you've ruined...
  19. W

    Female rock/punk bands in Ireland?

    On that note I'm off to view the .gif thread like I originally came here to do.
  20. W

    Female rock/punk bands in Ireland?

    First off this is not a personal attack on you this is my personal response to the post above, others may have a different view but hows never. You really need to go post riot grrl for a bit, this isn't Washington and its not the early nineties any more. Of course its ok to take influence...