Recent content by SnuffBoxHead

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    BIG|BRAVE & Jessica Moss

    Last gig was unreal, hopefully will make this again
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    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Doing a Disco Participation Matrix (post punk, drone, noise, synth stuff) this Tuesday Aug 15th in the bellobar. Support from Bleak Stack (west coast hip hop), and Spectac from Front end Synthetics TDPM: Bleak Stack: Spectac:
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    Private Underground Residence Thursday 27th Sept (Arthur's Day) Music Maker gig

    Hey all, Just posting here that PUR are doing a show tonight in the Hard Rock café for free with Music Maker. We'll be on 9:30pm sharp. Would be a fine pre-show before heading over to Om in the Button factory or Bats, Trenches, Vacant show in Fibbers:p. Perfect also if you ended up in Temple Bar...
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    Getting vintage amp serviced

    Hey, I've got a Carlsboro Top 100 (I think it's the 100, it's one of these Carlsboro's anyway) that I'd like to get it serviced by someone in the Dublin area in the next while. Could be only a few little things to do and solder that I could...
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    PUR, Gummidge, Chirps, and Vacant-The Pint, September 13th, €5

    Hey guys, This is tonight! Hope to see ye there. Unfortunately Chirps cannot now make it now but we'll all just play for longer. Here's some more footage to whet your appetites: PUR, International Bailout Anthem:
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    PUR, Gummidge, Chirps, and Vacant-The Pint, September 13th, €5

    This is the facebook event page if ya wanna keep updated on the details. Share it away too like ;) Also some footage from an Citóg in Galway several months ago:
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    PUR, Gummidge, Chirps, and Vacant-The Pint, September 13th, €5

    Private Underground Residence (Cork/Dublin post-everything rock): Gummidge (Galway angular hardcore): Chirps (Mayo/Dublin post-rock): Vacant (Dublin power violence)...
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    Contact for someone running the new BYOB place off Gardiner St?

    Hey could anyone PM me if they have a contact for the new BYOB place off Gardiner St please? Would like to enquire about putting on a show. Also other than Block T and that is there any other BYOB places popping up. It's a seriously awesome development. That Bridges headlined gig that was in...
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    Minor complaints thread

    Was watchin Quantum Leap there the other day and before I knew what I'd done had turned to the housemate and said "They just don't make series like this anymore". Catching yourself saying whiny old people things about stuff the young folk could never understand. Pretty horrific.