Recent content by ronan yakuza

  1. ronan yakuza

    New Yakuza video - "What were they, Psychos?"

    Hello Here's the new video for "What were they, Psychos?" from the forthcoming second Yakuza album. This scarey little iPod commercial was shot and directed by the very talented Darren McNaney who was responsible for the artwork for our first album "One Nation Under Awed" Also, in case...
  2. ronan yakuza

    Yakuza video

    Cheers Mark, well spotted There's gonna be more videos from us in the next while so keep em peeled
  3. ronan yakuza

    New Yakuza Track

    Would a shameless bump here be bad form Cos I can easily be ashamed if it helps...
  4. ronan yakuza

    New Yakuza Track

    Hey We've previewing track no. 1 from our next record on the old myspace It's called "We Are Not The Rolling Stones" You're all welcome to come and fill your ears There's also all the tracks from our first record up there for a listen And, for a wee laugh, we put up videos of an old gig in...
  5. ronan yakuza

    Which pop stars share your birthday

    April 28th 1945, Born on this day, John Wolters, drums, Dr Hook, (1972 UK No.2 and US No.5 single 'Sylvia's Mother'). 1953, Born on this day, Kim Gordon, bass, Sonic...
  6. ronan yakuza

    Yakuza find ways round their Myspace diffs

    There's loads of tunes on there btw Couple of brand new ones and many old Please do start the raking...
  7. ronan yakuza

    Yakuza find ways round their Myspace diffs

    We've had lots of problems in the past maintaining a Myspace music profile, for some reason they keep getting taken down... Who knows why... Not to be kept down, here's the links to some alternatives...
  8. ronan yakuza

    Hard rockin drummers...

    Mac McNeilly
  9. ronan yakuza

    One week and counting... new Large Mound opus

    nice sounds last night there lads
  10. ronan yakuza

    Holy Fuck

    The drummer from Enon plays with them, yeah?
  11. ronan yakuza

    hard fi.

    hard fidelity? I doan unnerstan
  12. ronan yakuza

    Wrigglin teeth

    Giving this a one and only bump Also, we hope to be coming to Dublin again soon for the first time in years Who's good to give the likes of us a show?
  13. ronan yakuza

    Wrigglin teeth

    We've put up a rough demo recording of a new Yakuza song called "Faulsys Body" here - It was recorded live at practise but it sounds pretty good, so go listen.
  14. ronan yakuza

    yakuza myspace......s

    Yakuza has had previous music myspaces disappear up the interhole but now we have a personal myspace, a label myspace and a new music one that may well still disappear but there you are. There's live footage on the last one there are you frendly?
  15. ronan yakuza

    Happy Birthday to ronan yakuza on 28th April 2007

    older now What was your old band called?