Recent content by Polo

  1. Polo

    General Election 24th May

    Apparently it's all going to be quite close in Dublin West, with three candidates going for two seats. Why do I care? Well, because one of the three is Joe Higgins. As in, Joe, the best TD in the Dail, Higgins. The media are predicting that he should keep the seat, ahead of the extremely...
  2. Polo

    General Election 24th May

    Nah, you've got a bit mixed up there. The People Before Profit Alliance is the SWP plus a few individuals. They are standing five candidates, all SWP members bar one woman in Wicklow who is ex-Labour Party. The Socialist Party and the Workers Party are not part of the People Before Profit...
  3. Polo

    General Election 24th May

    A few months ago the SWP ran into a phone box, Clark Kent style, and emerged in a brand new shiny costume. The People Before Profit Alliance. Same people. New name. Watered down politics.
  4. Polo

    Submarine blues

    Not so much people "offering" to work for less than the minimum as greedy employers paying people less than the minimum wage. Fucking scumbags. As Joe Higgins pointed out during the Gama dispute, there are more dog wardens than Labour inspectors in this country, which tells you something about...
  5. Polo

    This is what you hoard rep for.....

    It's a fucking grim situation. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard plastic Mancunians, faux-Liverpudlians, pseudo-Glaswegians and other supporters of British PLCs run down Irish soccer, argue that the league is crap and claim that they'd support their local sides if only they got...
  6. Polo

    Bóthar criticised?

    The original "anti-Bothar campaign" article on indymedia was one of the stupidest things I've ever read. And believe me I've read a lot of stupid things. As with all development NGOs the effectiveness of Bothar's endeavours has to be open for discussion. Will it work? Does it create greater...
  7. Polo

    Cap Pas Cap 12" Launch / Skinny Wolves Records - Sat 2nd Dec

    My enjoyment of an otherwise deadly gig was slightly spoiled by two people beside me eating the faces off each other the whole way through Cap Pas Cap's performance. This wasn't just kissing, they were practically trying to swallow each other's heads. I hope your faces are red raw and itchy...
  8. Polo

    Jury Duty

    As someone said above, there is a big difference between Circuit Court and Central Criminal Court cases. I suspect, though I'm not sure that your jury duty summons will say which court you are to show up in. The Central Criminal Court essentially deals with rape and murder. The Circuit Court...
  9. Polo

    Anyone buying a poppy for 11/11?

    Some people may see it that way, but that is not what the Poppy is supposed to symbolise. The Poppy is an important part of the cooption of the memories of the war dead by at least one of the Empires responsible for their deaths. Remembrance Day was established not by ordinary people but by the...
  10. Polo


    Yeah. I gave up on it after a while though. All those detailed sexual fantasies about Pat Kenny got boring, even to a man like myself who wouldn't mind a bit of hot Pat action.
  11. Polo


    Friday is an unspeakable arsehole, but he's just one particularly vile boil rather than the whole infection. Dublin is full of these cocks. Ageing 1980s men who still wear their hair in exactly the same way they did twenty something years ago, when they'd like you to think they were slouching...
  12. Polo

    Government to collapse tonight?

    I asked about socialists, them people are in Labour! Seriously, I have some time for Ivana Bacik but she's more a well meaning liberal rather than any kind of socialist. Rabbitte can suck my balls until all the hairs come off. Up until this election I always knew who I would vote for -...
  13. Polo

    Government to collapse tonight?

    eh? I'm perfectly calm. One of the problems with this here internet thing is that it doesn't convey emotion very well. Any argument which you express in strong terms can come across as blood vessel bursting rage. Alright, it looks like we agree on this much. It may be that someone could...
  14. Polo

    Government to collapse tonight?

    That's fair enough, but who is the kind of socialist leader you admire? Ireland's not exactly buried under mounds of them you know.
  15. Polo

    Government to collapse tonight?

    As in you think they don't exist, like God? This is the kind of thing that depresses me. Not just the sneering attitude towards working class people (nappies and beer cans, Jesus fucking Christ!) but the willingness to sound off about people campaigning on an issue without taking the time to...