Recent content by Lirah

  1. Lirah

    I'm going to miss sausages ...

    Wonder how many places are just taking the meat back out of the deep freeze.
  2. Lirah

    I'm going to miss sausages ...

    Depends on whether you're allergic to cats or not... oh wait.
  3. Lirah

    Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 @ Cassidey's, Westmoreland St.

    Fly! Everyone else can walk to the party instead of taxi/bus options to offset the damage. Since I'm not going I'll happily volunteer the rest of them :)
  4. Lirah

    clarkson gets comeuppance

    I thought the article said that he couldn't cancel it... you think that was for bleeding heart reasons? You clearly love him and want to have his babies. ::clef::MDR and JC up a tree::clef:: Actually, you kinda sound like a car... MDR sx
  5. Lirah

    clarkson gets comeuppance

    I hate the way he almost always wins (usually by cheating) in the races and other competitions they have on Top Gear, so I'm glad he's losing for once. I'd have been careful to pick a charity that was likely to really piss him off though... Greenpeace? Something like that.
  6. Lirah

    Christmas Shopping

    Urban outfitters can be worth a look for those kind of presents
  7. Lirah

    Does anyone here buy those celebrity fragrances?

    As long as their names are spoken or printed on the front page of Red Tops and their image is still forced on the public they are still alive!
  8. Lirah

    Does anyone here buy those celebrity fragrances?

    I'm waiting for "Katy" the Katy French signature fragrance. Aw, these poor celebs have to make money somehow to fuel the lifestyle everyone expects them to live.
  9. Lirah

    Quotes from your boss

    "We'll all have to tighten our belts in the current economic climate, so there will be no bonuses this year" 3 minutes later "I'm going to go to that conference in London, will you book the flights and the usual hotel" Conference costs €2k, he flies business class, he's staying 3 nights in a...
  10. Lirah

    Ah jasus turn off that feckin snow

    I missed something, didn't I. This is a good argument for why people in work should spend all day on thumped.
  11. Lirah

    Innovitive TV sitcom ideas... quick!!!

    This is a great idea. Can I be the dead hooker in the 'Sno joke pilot?
  12. Lirah

    Innovitive TV sitcom ideas... quick!!!

    'Sno Joke - Group of disillusioned late 20-somethings attempt to regain lost youth by regular use of Cocaine. They all fall out after a violent brawl which each blames on the others. The plot follows their hilarious and convoluted revenge attempts, which almost always backfire.
  13. Lirah

    flat caps

    Seanc - maybe it's just that we know that we're gonna look so cute in your hat that you just cant resist. Bring back the 50's I say.
  14. Lirah

    flat caps

    They should only be worn by people playing baseball.
  15. Lirah

    flat caps

    It's true. We do. Guys in brimmed hats and flat caps look great. :heart: Baseball caps are shit though.