Recent content by Goodbye

  1. Goodbye


    This has been a good while coming. Although I've made a lot of friends over the years, my time on Thumped has come to an end. Its just not fun here anymore. I've more people on my ignore list than I've ever had & when I take them off it resorts to the same old argumentative shite they always...
  2. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online? I'm sure he'll understand regardless
  3. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online? People are using spoiler tags in this thread - even you you fucking douchebag
  4. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online? And deadman, are you immune to using spoiler tags or something? cop on
  5. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online?
  6. Goodbye

    Minor complaints thread

    Totally forgot to roll on the pit stick this morning
  7. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online?
  8. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online?
  9. Goodbye

    Minor complaints thread

    Put the key back in.
  10. Goodbye

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online? and to think they intended to kill Jessie off in season 1
  11. Goodbye

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Was like a good transformers movie... I spose...
  12. Goodbye

    animated gif thread

    Are those Russian nutters again? Have they ever heard of X Box?
  13. Goodbye

    Recommend some podcast/public radio apps

    Podcasts are all well & good in the awl iTunes, but I've been getting more & more into dedicated apps for particular shows. Some free, some paid, some free with in app purchases/ subscriptions etc... On regular rotation are: WTF with Marc Maron This American Life WFMU NPR Radiolab MPR Radio...
  14. Goodbye

    Things I should have known before now...

    American kids pyjamas are skin tight by law
  15. Goodbye

    Using a Mac to Control a Windows based network

    macs are for blah blah blah blah blah blah blahdy blah blah