Recent content by egg_

  1. egg_

    Your work situation

    My work situation - doubting that the efforts I've been making to get promoted to principal engineer are ever going to pay off. Toying with the idea of getting into management instead, but ... well, I probably have more autonomy as an engineer. Bleurgh I dunno. Maybe I'm not hardcore enough to...
  2. egg_


    Haha who's been looking at hacker news today?
  3. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
  4. egg_

    Fontaines DC

    Disagree with this too. Don't think we ever had any hype to believe in
  5. egg_

    Minor complaints thread

    In our place only the principal (highest level) engineers get paid better than the lowest-level managers, and there's only 17 of those in an organisation of ~700 people.
  6. egg_

    Fontaines DC

    I saw the murder capital once and the band were amazing but the singer just came off as a poseur. Similar buzz on the records IMO
  7. egg_

    Your work situation

    @BOTicelli same picture, but from the perspective of the person
  8. egg_

    Your work situation

    @BOTicelli show me a picture from the perspective of a person riding on the back of a giant turtle who is singing a cheeful song in a baritone voice
  9. egg_

    Minor complaints thread

    If people you're trying to hire are getting paid well it probably means you're getting paid well too.
  10. egg_

    Fontaines DC

    Hmm hard to say. It's another song from my early 40s when I was in a kinda golden age of my life, and me and Mrs. egg_ used to dance our asses off to shit like this on a Saturday night when the kids were in bed. Would I like it if it wasn't from then? Possibly? Some things just scratch my...
  11. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    If you can make yourself and whoever you're dealing into an "us" rather than them perceiving you as "them" then you can get away with an awful lot.
  12. egg_

    European and local elections 2024

    Ming's stance on the turf cutting would put me off him ... also I loved Saoirse McHugh at first, but her split from the Greens when they got the chance to go into govt and actually get shit done was pretty childish I thought
  13. egg_

    Fontaines DC

    Ooh! Just watching the video here and fuck me that's a banger, and I just realised they reference the restaurant (Le Meurice) that me and Mrs. egg_ went to for her 30th birthday (was amazing fyi (if you're into food that isn't oatmeal))
  14. egg_

    Fontaines DC

    I thought you were talking about this song for a minute ☝️ That is a good song
  15. egg_

    Electric Picnic 2024

    I agree that it's way too big now. Still had fun at it the last couple of times I was there (2018 and 2022), but the crowds/noise can be overwhelming, esp at night