Recent content by drop-d

  1. D

    Music Writers Wanted

    Were looking for a new batch of journalists for 2008? Any interest send it on with a sample of your work.
  2. D

    Guess what

    Yep thats right. Drop-D has another action packed edition for ye. And yes I'm feeling Lazy so its a simple newsletter! In this edition we have: Interviews with ¡Forward, Russia!, Hummingbird and Tidal Suns. Gig reviews of Drop-D Showcase, Gigsmart, Breakaway, The Redneck...
  3. D

    Drop-D's Latest Podcast

    Drop-D's second Podcast, 28-March-2006 Get Drop-D's second Podcast Lineup: 0.20(m) intro 1.24(m) Rodrigo ey Gabrielle 2.20(m) The Walls and Aslan 5.00(m) Berkley, Giveamanakick and Gary’s Party 7.12(m) Danish Girls drinking beamish and Laois 11.30(m) Teardrop video and...
  4. D

    Drop-D's Latest Ezine Edition

    Hey all, Welcome to the latest Drop-D Newsletter. Things are getting better in the Irish music scene, read on for proof! ************************************************* Drop-D Ezine ************************************************* !**Latest additions in the last 2 weeks**...
  5. D

    Drop-D's First Podcast.... oh ya baby

    any fedback?
  6. D

    Drop-D's First Podcast.... oh ya baby

    Hey Guys, Drop-D with a bit of news here. We have recorded and released our very first Podcast. It’s a roughly 30-40 min long Music Chat show with Deegs, Houli and Gary (Robin Deegan, Shane Houlihan and Gary O'Sullivan). The Plan is to release a new Podcast every alternate week to the Ezine (so...
  7. D

    Drop-D's latest

    Hey all, Welcome to the latest Drop-D Newsletter. Things are getting better in the Irish music scene, or are they! ************************************************* Drop-D Ezine !**Latest additions in the last 2 weeks**! Regina Spektor in Whelans, Dublin Debut...
  8. D

    Drop-D Present Playtoh, Hope is Noise and Kudos. Cork. FREE

    ****************************** Drop-D Press release Music Free for all ****************************** is Proud to present a Brand new way of Promoting Irish Homegrown Music. Drop-D will organise, host and promote 20 events throughout Ireland in the next 12 months, with monthly events...
  9. D

    Drop-D Present Playtoh, Hope is Noise and Kudos. Cork. FREE

    Poster here Details here
  10. D

    Drop-D's Latest Edition

    Hey all, Welcome to the latest Drop-D Newsletter. We got an action packed edition this fortnight with lots going on all around ireland in the music scene. ************************************************* Drop-D Ezine !**Latest additions in the last 2 weeks**...
  11. D

    InFusion 16th Feb COrk **FREE**

    budda bump :)
  12. D

    InFusion 16th Feb COrk **FREE**

    What can i say? Its all for yer FREE perusal! Free top class bands and free giveaways! No Excuse to miss it! for more info
  13. D

    Drop-D news and current edition

    Hey all, Welcome to a new and improved Drop-D Newsletter. After a long and hard, well hardish, Christmas the Drop-D'ers are back with a bang. We've been hitting the streets of Cork and indeed Ireland getting back into the gel that binds our Irish music scene together. Despite the fact 3 of...
  14. D

    · Drop-D Christmas bumper, Fabbo Xmas edition coming soon

    Hey Guys We skipped last weeks edition to pave teh way for the almighty mother of Underground music editions.... With a couple of covers on bands we have missed over the last few weeks.... Anyway the motherload will be with ye next tuesday...mark yer calanders but in the meantime Submit...
  15. D

    drop-d does it again

    Welcome my loyal Drop-D music lovers. Just want to say thanks to you all for your support and readership, without that it would be hard to make this a success. But we're getting there. The Team would also like to welcome Anna on board with her debut article on Autamata. She'll be teaming up with...