Recent content by Anne OMalley

  1. Anne OMalley

    Rollers/Sparkers: "Hames" album launch

    Rollers/Sparkers "Hames" album launch Date: Friday June 27th Venue: Boom Boom Room @ Murray's, O'Connell St. Doors: 8pm Admission: €10 Support: Indian Classical Music with Dara O'Brien (sitar) & Koushik Sekar (tabla/mrindangum); Lazybird DJs Paul Watts & Neil Donovan...
  2. Anne OMalley


    Hi Ro and others. I spent ages typing a reply and then it disappeared somewhere up the cosmic compu-arse. Anyroads, here's the meat of it... We've been recording tons and tons of muck for the past couple of years. One of the biggest cartloads of the stuff, which was recorded with the help of...
  3. Anne OMalley

    Boss RC-20xl Loop station

    I agree with everything KarlS says, except for two important points. Although it's not obvious from looking at the pedal, the RC20XL does in fact give you several different styles of click track, not just a kick drum. The kick is the default, but check the manual and you'll see how to access the...
  4. Anne OMalley


    Is that the original Kaoss Pad or the KP2?
  5. Anne OMalley


    It's amazing how few reviewers have noted this similarity between the two films. I think Haneke himself acknowledged it by naming the main character of "Caché" Georges Laurent. (If you recall, the first sentence spoken in "Lost Highway" is "Dick Laurent is dead". It's also the last sentence...
  6. Anne OMalley

    Just because he doesn't post here anymore...

    Young people of Ireland, I love you!
  7. Anne OMalley

    "It was not a significant bullet. I am not afraid."

    Everything that happens to Herzog seems to be like something out of a Herzog film. By the way, if anyone is interested in his new(ish) film "Grizzly Man" - whcih is amazing, by the way - we're reviewing it on this week's "Viewfinder" which is broadcast on Anna Livia (103.2FM) at 7.30pm this...
  8. Anne OMalley

    Chomsky llive on the net tonight

    If Derrida was still alive, yeah...
  9. Anne OMalley


    When it comes to outstanding magazines, the mere existence of "Cabinet" makes you realise that having friends who can write well, shit-cool graphic designers and the best of intentions together make up less than 1% of what's needed.
  10. Anne OMalley

    Chomsky is the smartest man in the universe

    En garde, pedants! Even though Baudrillard first used the phrase "desert of the real", the sentence "Welcome to..." (etc.) is originally from "The Matrix" - one of its many cod-philosophical gambits. I believe Zizek was deliberately referencing "The Matrix" with that essay title, not the other...
  11. Anne OMalley

    harold pinter

    "A Doll's House" at The Abbey This is off-thread but I was asked for it… The set was designed to look like a doll's house, as you might expect from a play called "A Doll's House". It had extremely high ceilings, doors and windows. But instead of adding, say, an environmental dimension to the...
  12. Anne OMalley

    harold pinter

    Was Torvald played by Bosco Hogan? Thank fuck I left before he got the baldy lad out. I don't know how I'd react on seeing that and hearing the voice of Dunnes Stores.
  13. Anne OMalley

    harold pinter

    Was Torvald played by Bosco Hogan? Thank fuck I left before he got the baldy lad out. I don't know how I'd react on seeing that and hearing the voice of Dunnes Stores.
  14. Anne OMalley

    harold pinter

    They can be. "The Servant" is very typical of Pinter's output at that time. (I nearly wrote "Printer's output" there...) Joseph Losey was a brilliant interpreter of Pinter's screenplays - very sympathetic to the nuances of in the language. That film is often read as a portrait of swinging 60s...
  15. Anne OMalley

    harold pinter

    There is that opinion on Pinter because, yes, his wife is Lady Antonia Fraser and, yes, he lives in a big house and, yes, he is undoubtedly now part of some kind of artistic establishment. But as for the first two points, I find them pretty trivial. If we're going to talk in terms of social...